Sunday 30 March 2014

My Journey Begins...

Assalamualaikum Uols

Macam tak caya je Intan ada blog sendiri...huh???pandai ke buat blog??setelah Intan survey2 cara nak buat blog finally dapat cara yang betul dari seorg blogger...

My intention just nak share some story dengan semua blogger..about my work..what I like or dislike...what i love in my passion..pendek kata everything lah...hopefully uols tak bosan menbaca what i gonna to write here..

Intan memang suke share story (membebel useless thing act...hahahah...who care?) so Intan rase dalam blog banyak benda Intan boleh expression how my feeling pada hopefully uols tak rase Intan ni merepek..sama2 share our opinion tak salahkan...

Well i'm just want to say "Welcome To My World"...please dont get bored with me...LOVE you guys 

P/S: Uols can call me "INTAN"...

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